
Chapter 6. The wave window

The wave window screenshot showing audio recorder

The wave window is accessed by edit menu item wave. There are basic edit tools available to manipulate the wave form. You can use keyboard bindings to do your tasks are select appropriate edit tool of toolbar. The wave editor shows all audio channels in vertical alignment and are grouped by default.

  • Position cursor. Use arrow keys. Page-Up and Page-Down switches the wave area.

  • Select wave. Alternatively do select all, note selects everything visible within scope tab.

  • Copy wave. Control-C key-stroke.

  • Cut wave. Control-X key-stroke.

  • Paste wave. Control-V key-stroke.

Adjust zoom by combo-box and add/remove wave area to editor by combo-box selection.

Wave toolbar

The wave editor's toolbar screenshot

In the table below are the various buttons explained you may use for editing.

Table 6.1. AGS wave editor toolbar controls table.

cursor You may want to set the cursor to paste buffers at the position where it is located.
select Select buffers to copy or cut them.
copy Copy buffers to the clipboard.
cut Cut buffers to the clipboard.
paste Paste the previously copied or cutted buffers at the cursor position or just insert them where they are/were located.

Editing tools

The tools menu button contains items that opens dialogs to do common editing tasks. Like move, crop or select buffers.

Position cursor

The position wave cursor dialog screenshot

The position wave cursor dialog allows you to position the cursor.

Table 6.2. AGS position wave cursor dialog controls.

position x Set the cursor at position x.

Select buffers

The select buffer dialog screenshot

The select buffer dialog allows you to select buffers of given position.

Table 6.3. AGS select buffer dialog controls.

copy selection Check button to say if you would like to copy selection to clipboard.
select x0 Set the x0 offset of region to select.
select x1 Set the x1 offset of region to select.